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Something More to this Crazy Life…

Be Still and Know that I am God  Ps 46:10

Anybody who knows me or has ever known me knows that this is one of my life verses. Ever since I became a Christian 28 years ago, I have considered this verse my own.   So you would think that I would get this truth by now… Right?

But the truth is … this word… Still … as in “don’t move” — is not in my vocabulary. Stand still? Sit still? Lie still? No. When I stand, I shift from foot to foot.  When I’m sitting in a chair, my leg is in constant motion.  And much to the dismay of my husband, I flip back and forth in bed every two minutes, searching for a more comfortable position.  You get the picture.  So when the Lord says, “Be still,” I know I’m in trouble.  

You may say, Patty, the Lord is obviously NOT talking about your physical movements.  He’s telling you to relax… and stop striving… Well, the concept may seem easy enough, the words comforting enough right?  But this is far from easy for someone like me. 

I’m kind of a word nerd, so I searched this verse in other translations.  Other words for “Be Still” are: “Calm down” (CEV), “That’s enough!” (CEB). “Stop fighting” (ERV), He told them, “cease striving” (NASB) and “desist” (YLT) “Stand Silent” (TLB).  He tells us to rest in Him and “let go of your concerns! Then you will know that I am God” (GW).

I don’t know about you but I find myself nodding in agreement as I read these words, while at the same time I’m hanging on to my concerns with both hands. 
If I don’t fret over my children’s future, who will? If I don’t worry about our financial situation or that tax bill, who will? Of if I don’t agonize over life’s disappointments, big and small, who will?  Right?

 God will. 

This is what He is trying to say to my heart.   No matter how crazy my life is, how crazy the world is, God is still on the throne.  His will and His purposes will prevail.
That’s nice my doubt screams, but what about the state of our nation, all that’s at stake, all that we can lose… what about… what about… what about…. you name it…

“Be still, be calm, see, and understand I am the True God.(the voice).

I love this translation… not only does He call me to be still and be calm, but he is challenging me to “see and understand” He is God…

What does that mean to you… to see and understand?  God is challenging us to believe isn’t he?  Do you take the promises He has made to you seriously?  When God says He has plans for you, a future and a hope, do you believe it or is it just a verse hanging on your wall?  How do we understand things we can’t? The Lord is saying take me at my word on all these matters, trust that I am working things out for your good. 

So does this mean that in my day to day life I should just shrug all these concerns off?  You know like unplug from life, close my eyes and ignore what’s around me? 

 No… not quite.  Wherever we are, no matter our walk in life, we need to be fully engaged  our eyes wide open.  But… when worries come, we don’t fret like we have no hope, we lift them up to the Lord and believe He has matters well in hand.  

I have been challenged to do this very thing.  My husband and I began a small prayer group because we felt the led to lift up specific family needs to the Lord.  We pray with fervency for what we feel is necessary to resolve these needs and usually end with , “but Lord You know best, Your timing is best…You are good…You have a plan…Your will be done”. We pray these things with honesty and sincerity, but when things don’t go as “we think they should” we all freak out.  Why? What happened? Etc…Etc… Etc… Every time this happens, the Lord gently reminds me… Didn’t you pray my timing, my will, etc… Did you believe it when you prayed?  if so then why are you reacting?  Where is your trust?

When adversity faces us, don’t we realize we don’t fight our battles alone? When we allow the Lord to handle them, believe that His purposes, in your situation, no matter what will be accomplished. Our walk is one of faith, not sight alone.

So.. how can we do this? How can we really be still in the midst of chaos?  What is the first step to change?  “Be Still”   Refresh your mind with His promises.

One thing I have realized is this… stillness can’t really come by just stopping my activities.  It has to come from the inside.  This is what the Lord means by “Be Still”.  The Lord has told me, surround yourselves and others with My word… my truths… this will cause their spirits and yoursto let go of the concerns, cease from striving and be still.  

So do you want to know something very cool?  As I have been faithful to do this, I have found the Lord encouraging me, causing me to be filled with His truths and promises and taking them for myself too.  I have found myself being more still… inside…


Quiet moments are rare and it can be difficult to find stillness, but take heart, remember His promises and consider them throughout the day and allow them to “still” your soul. 

“Be still, be calm, see, and understand I am the True God. ”            Ps 46:10 the voice