Devotion,  Worship

What a Beautiful Name

God is magnificent; He can never be praised enough. There are no boundaries to His greatness.  Psalm 145:3 (msg)

Music.  One of the most powerful influences in our lives.  How many times have you been at the mall or in a store and a song comes on that transport your mind to the very places you last heard it.  If you close your eyes I’ll bet you can almost smell the different scents too.  That is powerful.  Music can be the catalyst to many things, good and evil.

The Lord, the One who created ALL things, uses music to draw many to Himself.  Artist such as Chris Tomlin, Casting Crowns and Mercy me, Toby Mac… the list can go on and on…are used every day to bring a cup a cool water to many a weary soul.  Chris Tomlin’s songs are simple and to point, humble and incredulous… “Yes Jesus loves me”, “How Great is Our God”, “Love Ran Red” are just a couple that have personally touched me in some of my darkest hours.  The Lord has also used Mercy Me and Casting Crowns songs to speak understanding to my situations.  

Yet, there is one song that brings me to tears each time I hear it.  It stops me in my tracks and causes me to focus only on what is being sung and to whom they are being sung too.  I find that I often close my eyes and lift my hands, (which can be a little dangerous if I’m driving…) in reverance to the Lord. I can’t help myself either… worship flows from my heart.  It’s being sung at our church every Sunday it seems and been on my playlist alot this month

It’s called “What a Beautiful Name” by Hillsong Worship.  

It’s songs like this that bring to realization the greatest truths of all.  God has no equal. No rivals. No shortages. No needs. He is before all things and at the end of the day He will be the last one standing. The world is filled with “little g” gods, but our God made the heavens and the earth. No one compares to Him. No one even comes close.  There is nothing to difficult for Him to handle, nothing He will not handle Himself. I know I write about this over and over.  I guess it’s something I need to be constantly conscious of.  Something that I forget when things get out of hand and overwhelming.  This thought brings comfort and peace to a heart often discouraged and overwhelmed. 

So as you wait on Him today, give Him praise. Maybe your circumstances appear to be upside down, but His throne is decidedly right-side up! Praise Him in the waiting. Exalt Him in the wondering. So don’t ask for much today, just keep lifting up the Name above every name. Let that Name ground your heart and still your soul. Let your praise drown out all others who contend for your allegiance and affection. When you do, your very song will lift your thoughts to the very highest place.  A link to the song is below.  Close your eyes and just worship Jesus.

What a Beautiful Name
Father, what shall I say to You? You have no equal or rival. My words and my thoughts are so small when compared to You. I have seen the starry night and it cannot hold a candle to Your glory. Expand my faith and give me words as I seek to join the anthem of Your praise.  All praise is Yours, now and forever. I will walk in that truth today. I will believe it. And act like it. And pray like it. And give like it. And praise like there is none like You. Amen!
Till next time