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A Prudent Woman

Hi Friend!

Just wanted to share about the inspiration for my blog and why I decided to call it “A Prudent Woman.”

A few years ago, I went to a half day conference at our church for women who had husbands in ministry.  It was entitled, “A Prudent Wife” and the scripture basis for the conference was Proverbs 19:14... “Houses and Riches are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.”    Those few hours were so encouraging.  It made me realize that I too had a role to play, and that my role in ministry was just as important as my husband’s was.


Since then, I have embraced my role as a prudent wife… and strive towards this type of excellence every day… but you don’t have to be married to be prudent woman and possess these wonderful qualities… Prudence is for everyone.

Look at the definition for prudent:

  • a marked by wisdom or judiciousness as in prudent advice
  • b shrewd in the management of practical affairs as in prudent investors
  • c marked by circumspection DISCREET
  • SENSIBLE applies to action guided and restrained by good sense and rationality.  a sensible woman who was not fooled by flattery 
  • SANE stresses mental soundness, rationality, and levelheadedness.

Don’t those sound like the type of qualities we all want to possess?  Especially in the mixed up world we live in…we need to be this type of woman.

Elizabeth George is one of my favorite writers.   Below is an excerpt from one of her writings that I found so perfect for my blog.  I summarizes what was spoken to me at the conference that day.  I will be featuring some excerpts from her other books in my future blogs.

Prudent? It sounds so old-fashioned… but what a wonderful attribute for any woman to have. Prudent is exactly what Proverbs 19:14 calls the wife who is from the Lord: “Houses and riches are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.”
This wife is in a special category. She’s a blessing to her husband directly from the hand of God. With a wife like this, a husband is set for life! Replace the word prudent with disciplinedreasonedpracticaldelightful… and you begin to get the full picture of the meaning of prudence. You are one of the Lord’s greatest gifts to your husband!
And you don’t have to be married to reap the rewards of being a prudent woman. You’ll be blessed… and you’ll be a delight to everyone around you. You’ll be a gift—”from the Lord.”
Lord, teach me to be prudent, to be disciplined. Help me exercise diligence, wisdom, and self-control in all I do. Though living prudently requires some daily effort on my part, I know the blessings to me and others make it worthwhile. Amen.
Elizabeth George